Monday, October 4, 2010

And just me talking...

In the last few months a lot has happened. The real loves of my life left me, I went to jamaica and had one of the most experiences of my life, I took on more responsibility at work, I chopped my hair off needing some change, and I feel like my life has spiraled somewhat out of control. Its crazy that as you do get older you realize stuff about yourself. I have had my moments, more moments than not lately, but I wonder where I went wrong, why I realized what i did wrong to late. I miss my girls, I miss him.


  1. Love all the new posts jill!!! Looks like you have had a whirlwind of a month!! I am soooo jealous of your Jamaica trip. So fun! And sad about the littles moving :( I'm sorry!! And this is totally random, but I LALALA LOVE your hair!!!!!!!! SO cute!!!! Anyway, I hope you are doing well, love you!!

  2. thanks lace! jamaica was amazing, thats the only word for it. someday in the future we will have to plan a girls trip somewhere, just the girls. also have you heard anything back from ween or jorgi about when you come back for thanksgiving? either way we need to plan something for sure. also thank you on my hair. i lalala love it too!
